The blog is being revamp. I've been working for about a year trying to find an identity for the blog and I believe I found one. Mixing news that may prove valuable with the youth as well as News relating with New Orleans.
My friend presented this too me not too long ago so I read it, but I really did not know the point of reading all. So I told her and she was like I wrote it! So as I go and really read it I actually what a twisted but good piec of work it is. I'm not going to put too much commentary on this because for her i will be biased but you the reader should check it out and leave a post of what you think at the bottom. Enjoy!
Death. Not the best way to begin a tale but it's all i can remember. Death. My Death. My name is Avarice Sinclare; you can call me Ava. I walk among you as a ghost, a daemon, a monster, and yet, you know nothing of what i truly am. Not to sound clichéd, but I am your worst nightmare. When i was eighteen, I made a deal: a deal that i am bound to until my debt is paid. You see, no one is safe around me. My curse is that i owe the Keres one hundred thousand souls. Who are the Keres? Ofcourse you would ask. The Keres are the spirits of slaughter and disease. You've never heard of them, i know. Neither had i until the day i crossed them. You've heard of Hades? He is nothing compared to these sisters. Her brother's saved my "life." Thanatus and Hypnos. I was given this job as a punishment for crossing there sister. It was meant to be just and "save me." Truthfully, this is a fate worse than death. I cannot die and yet, i cannot live. I must watch as life and happiness pass before my very eyes. I look human to you. I look real. In truth, i am only an illusion. Meant to look appealing to all. Meant to draw everyone in. If i get close to anyone, they die. I've never been able to save one. I've tried....and failed. I have been eighteen for hundreds if not thousands of years. You see, my birth was a mistake. I was never meant to be, never meant to exist, and never meant to live. The Gods have rules. My parents broke the biggest rule of all. They had me. I wont lie to you. Gods have sex all of the time, but with humans...never with each other. Well, my parents broke that Golden Rule and "interacted" with each other. Who are my parents, you ask? My Father, God of War, is Ares. He's part of the reason that i stayed alive as long as i did. My speed, my agility, my reflexes. All from him. And my mother, Nyx, Goddess of Night. I am seen an unseen. Beautiful and Mysterious. Hidden whenever i want to be. As you can see, I can kill you in an instant. You wouldn't know until it happened. Even then, only for a moment. I am the eyes that you feel watching you in the night. I am the "monster" in your closet. I am the real source of your nightmares. I am those noises you hear at night. I am Ava Sinclare, and i am Death.
"Mary Jane is the ultimate pain and stress reliever it was better tylonol and aspirin"
There are alot of things that can catch a young black males attention. Females, Money, Clothes, Cars , and much more but who would of thought a book ...a biography to be more specific would make them turn twice. So I brought this book to school and I think I may have held it for ten minutes before every guy I passed in the hallway asked to see it and gave it to the next person. This book is such a hit because it relates with some people from new orleans so well.
"It Takes you to a peace state of mind and gives you eagle vision."
The Author Kareem Kennedy just writes about his life. He talks about his occurance with weed, jail, failing a grade, a junkie mom, a no where to be seen dad, an ace boon coon brother and so much more. This book in my eyes is really a fenominal story and i encourage everyone to get this book. Look it up on UNO's website as well as and
"The first book that captivated my imagination and open another side of me was Harry Potter and the Sorcerous Stone. I felt a connection with Harry except my parents were dead."
In Light of the current Basketball free agency a big questioned occured. What jersey number will Lebron get? Well although we can't predict the future we can show the best jersay numbers to ever play in the professional field (in order). After you see our list, we want to know what each of you think. We want to know your top 10. Submit your entries by Friday of next week to us on facebook and the best list will be put the site. So enjoy!!!
Similar to #34 (Walter Payton) we jumpin over the competition.
For all you Air Max fanatics who have been waiting for the retro release of the Air Max 95 "Grape." Now the race to grab your pair can begin, as 21 Mercer has received their shipment and has them for sale now.
Like so many classic colorways of the 95 that we’ve seen this year, this look is pretty true to OG. The white midsole works with the gradient upper, which transitions into a black midfoot, complete with black 3M. Teal lace hoops work with the purple tongue and Swoosh, as well as the teal Max Air bags below, to break up the simple greyscale upper. Check with your local retailer if you’re after a pair, as they’re hitting select Nike retailers this month for the price of $140.
The BP oil Spill has already caused so much damage and we will report on it but for now we will present this brief slide show. (If you want to here the song just press the mic icon on the top left hand corner)
So What the hell is a Chiddy Bang?! Well they are the new gate way to a new style of rap and rap videos. This group just popped into my radar but they have been going hard for quite awhile. The group consist of a black rapper name Chidera "Chiddy" Anamege and a White Produce by the name Noah " Xaphoon Jones" Beresin. Both artist are from Philly and eventually met up at Drexel university. These two guys definantly have merged rap with an alternative spin, and while they have topped the U.K. charts, they are still trying to conquer those in america. Their first mixtaped dropped not too long ago but they have made some noise with other artist.The mixtape immediatley made me really feel their vibe. So check out their mixtape "Air Swell", this video and check for more on youtube.
Rick Ross is on a serious roll right now. His single "B.M.F. (Blowin' Money Fast)" with Styles P is the hottest record in the streets at the moment. That was until his track "Live Fast, Die Young," which features producer/rapper Kanye West. The track was leaked last week and has had the internet going wild ever since. And yesterday he droped two certified bangers: "Aston Martin Music" - which features Young Money heavy-hitter Drake and Chrisette Michele. He also dropped "Maybach Music III," with T.I., Jadakiss, and Erykah Badu.
Both tracks are produced by the J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League, who've produced previous Ross tracks like "Magnificent," "Yacht Club," and "Maybach Music.""Aston Martin Music" is exactly what we've come to expect from Ross - a laid back banger perfect for cruising around the city. "Maybach Music III," is the epic third installment of the 'Maybach Music' series, which started on Ross' second album Trilla. Ross drops what is definitely one of his greatest verses yet over an incredibly cinematic beat.
If that wasn't enough for one day, Ricky Rozay also released the video for "300 Soldiers," one of the tracks from his Albert Anastaica EP (the 'prequel' to Teflon Don). You definitely have to respect Ross' hustle. Teflon Don hits stores July 20, and is sure to be one of the years best albums.
"Look up in the sky and you'll see Shooting Stars" is a three part series looking into the young guns in the New Orleans music industry. This series will cover all the dimensions of what each young person deals with in their feild. In this series each person will also be graded on a five star system based on Material, Originality, Authenticity, and Stage/Rapper Presents(the confidence in the way they rap). Each person is asked the following questions.
When did you start?
What is your goal as a rapper?
Now what’s behind the rapper you are? What are things people don’t know or think about you/
What are the ups and the downs of being a rapper?
Where do you think you will be or hope to be in 6 months? 1 year?
What’s the name of your latest mix tape? Why did you chose that name and what is your favorite song?
What is the next move for you and what can we expect?
So thats the logistics so now enjoy!
Iman "El Kidd" Calvin
El Kidd is a progressive rapper in the New Orleans area. He is very vocal about his city by staying true to where he came from. He does most of his run and gunnings with his Blood Brother Neno Calvin ( Which we plan to but on our second part of this series) releasing their latest mixtape "Brothers From Another Mother V.2". He is also being featured in an up in coming documentary, "Versus or Hersus". This is what El Kidd had to say to our questions. I started rapping when I was seven years old.
My goal as a rapper is to make a living, without having to sell my soul and to put on for New Orleans.
People don't know that I actually grew up listening to a lot of gangster rap music when I was younger. Once I got older I branched of to the "more creative" side of the Hip-Hop industry.
The downs are that it is really hard to make it anywhere nowadays. Staying true to yourself and working hard only gets you so far. The other 50% is making connections, and the people you surround yourself with. In other to make it big, you have to make sure you have a great team, and a good foundation behind it. We all know the UPS of being a rapper, lol... (Diamond chains, fast cars, and bad broads)
In a year I hope to be well know throughout the city to all ethnic groups, not just the people I see at parties. I would also like the be signed before I head of to college, but I know that will take a lot of hard work...Thats why everyday I'm grinding, trying to get better.
My latest mixtape is a collab with my blood brother "Neno Calvin", who is also a teenage rapper from the Uptown, New Orleans area. The name of the mixtape is "Brothers From Another Mother V.2". You can find it on We chose to the name because we are really brothers from another mother, and we wanted to incorporate real life stories in our music. My favorite song of the mixtape is called "Crazy", it is a remix from an original song made by the singer Ashante. I think it's one the best verses I've written so far in my career.
My next move is going to be branching off to another city, to widen my fan base, but in the mean time, you can check out my mixtape HERE:
Now the moment of truth. El Kidd definantly gets a strong 4 out of 5 stars. He is definantly one of the most accomplished at his age in this city but there are some minor negatives. First I personally believe that some of his song hooks done by him or his brother may turn off those who arent really willing to listening to a young New Orleans artist, only because so many people are trying to be rappers who just can't rap. The worst thing for me to see would be a decent rapper overshadowed because of this stigma. Next is he definantly has a long way to go as far as getting more main stream and heard. Alot of die hard music people have not heard of him or at least his music and those are the ones who you want to get on your side. Besides this he is a really good rapper and he has alot of Potential. So check out his mixtape ( and this video which also features his brother so check 'em out.
Troy "Sk" Simon
Sk Troy Prolly the funniest guy around, but also the smartest. Ive known Troy since sixth grade but ive only seen the rapper Sk Troy in the last couple of months. He definantly has stormed through the city with his why didnt I think of that rhymes and his crazy flow. Occupanied by his Ace Boon cone Sk David, parties have been sabotaged by this duo. So What did Troy say to are Questions? Don't Fret here they are. I've always been rapping since I was a little kid. Watching the Hot Boyz on tv actually inspired me to give it a try haha, but I didn't get serious with it until the day after Hurrican Katrina.
I have two goals. First, I want to give my family and those around a better life than what they have now. I hate to see my people struggling, especially my parents. So I feel that I need to get off my ass and make something happen. Never waste your talent. Second, I want to prove to everyone that ever doubted me or said I wouldn't be anything that I can and will be something and don't ask for a favor when I make it.
The ups of being a rapper is knowing that your helping the people around you with there struggles. The compliments and the voice of fans screaming your name in public or at show is amazing. It truthfully puts a smile on my face knowing that my talent brings joy to another person's ear.
They downs of being a rapper is that you have no privacy. Everyone crosses that imaginary boundary in which you made to separate you from the public. People make stories and lies about you which quickly escape into public, but people will try to bring you down. Thats just another obstacle in becoming a rapper. In 6 months, I hope to be doing something with Cash Money Records,In 6 months, I hope to be doing something with Cash Money Records. At this very moment, they are anticipating me and David's mixtape. In a year, I hope to have a record deal and start completing my goals in which I have already stated.
I don't have any mixtape that have dropped yet, but me and David are currently working on our mixtape ''Now or Never.'' We feel that if you are passionate about something your doing, don't wait until later on to try and go some where with it. Start now because when you wait, nothing ever happens. You know when yo people be like go to college right after you get out high school cause its now or never. And you decide to wait and year and then you wound up not going.. But these rappers right here are gonna start now. My favorite song is ''Made.'' Mostly because of my last bar, I said ''All I hear is Troy you better remember me, but remember when you hated so you'll never get a cent from me''
We haven't even completed the first step, ha. But we feel a record deal in our grasps, which is the first step. You can expect good quality music and the same ole Troy and David you knew before this rap stuff even blew up. Remember, NEVER CHANGE! And thanx for all the love and support.. So to Sk Troy he will grabb 3 out of 5 stars. He definantly has a really great future ahead of him. First of all Troy isn't the most consistent around. His singles are dropped at very weird times and he hasn't let out a full taste of his musical genuis. Also only time will tell if his duo with Sk David will prove to be beneficial or conflicting. As of now all we can see is that they flow diffrently than each other which can cause problems. Sk Troy definantly will be a huge factor in the music industry, so for now we must wait untill he produces.
Alvin "Lyrical Genuis" Dillon
The last of our part one but not the least. Lyrical Genuis has definantly stapled his self as the best Fat guy on deck lol. He has a strong voice thats great with pushing his message across. Also another great assets of Lyrical is that of the young gunz he definantly makes it clear of what he is rapping about and how much he has to deal with. So here's what he said.
1) well i startedd rapping at the age of of about 7 jus elementry shit, yu kno repping other rappers to ma la potnas etc etc and thats basically where it all startedd. 2)My goal as a rapper is to jus "stick to the scrpit" i want to bring the 90's back i want to be the modern day bigg, rakim, pac, nas etc etc i jus want to be better than the best. 3) whts behind the rapper imean i draw, play football, audio engineer etc etc 3.7 GPA imeann bt for the most part IRAP 4) 6 months? 1 year? hopefuuly ill be successful (to my own standards) or on my way there in the man above Co-signs on it. 5) well my latest mixtape was labeld "Mind of a Microphone" and the reason i choose that name is because somtimess i feel as if tht mic is the only thing that understands my problems and this is better explained by number 2 on the mixtape "mind of the microphone"(the track) which is one 1/2 of my favorite tracks as well as number 14 i think, which is a rexmix to jadakiss letter to b.i.g and i wrote the song when i was about14(2years ago) but jus decided to record YALL CHECK THT OUT 6) im curently workin on alot of features with diffrent artist.. and as far as expectations does.. JUST BE READY TO BE AMAZEDDD
follow me on twitter: @genius_lyrical facebook: Alvin Dillon Myspace: youtube: lyricaltruetothis LYRICAL GENIUS MUZIK PAGE on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads MySpace Music profile for LYRICAL GENIUS MUZIK PAGE. Download LYRICAL GENIUS MUZIK PAGE Hip Hop / Lyrical / Rap music singles, watch music videos, listen to free streaming mp3s, & read LYRICAL GENIUS MUZIK PAGE's blog.
So where does Alvin Rank... 3.5 stars out of 5. He is very motivated and he is getting around. The Delima with his music is the actual realism of his music. How do I know as a listener that what he is saying is a hundred. Overall he will be BIG LOL. So hit him up!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
N.O. Graffiti Artist fight back the Grey ghost! Driving to the Store,School,Party, or even home in the city of New Orleans you are always guaranteed to see someones art work also known as Graffiti. Graffiti just like music and dance has become part of our culture, and just like music and dance there is some we like and don't like, but there is no denying that graffiti is in our lives everyday.Well what happens when this graffiti is covered up with more paint but instead of colors and designs, just a Grey square! Well people that would make me pretty mad! Especially if it was my work you covered or if you covered my property with this horrible Grey square as opposed to the graffiti that defines the surrounding community. Do you think anyone would do that? I didn't until I found out about the Grey Ghost(the video will explain him). So in retaliation to this Grey ghost what have the people and the artist done? The people have protested the Grey ghost and his business "operation clean sweep" and the artist have mocked him by putting up graffiti that depicts him taking it down(shown in the pictures below).Personally I respect graffiti artist because of the risk and obstacles they face, and when their work is a symbol for the community, marking over it is spitting on that community.I along with hundreds of other people protest the work of "Operation Clean Sweep"!
We have hit the midpoint of SUMMER! So far its been some what eventful depending on who you are and what you've been doing. From my point of view its been pretty event full but i am a nerd soooo ive been doing alot of nerdy things. As far as the summer scene the party's have been on full effect. The biggest concerns for people are is this party worth it. The average party fee cost about 10 dollars and their are some cheaper than this but I have had run ends with parties that have not reached there hype. I will say the last two parties I went to were Official! The first one was the IMF Grad party and the night after that was the SK party which i believe was a much better set up than their previous party. Essence 2010 Is Over!
This years line up featured Alicia Keys, Trey Songz, Mary J Blige, Janet Jackson, Keri Hilson, Earth Wind and Fire, and many more. The buzz wasnt that big this year about the actual concert but the convention held it down with apperances by many artist such as Fiona Lewis, El De Barge, Janet Jackson and more. Ticket prices were pretty high but if music means as much to you as it does to me then you would have be there!Overall I would say this year was pretty succesful.
Besides that the summer is always an adventurous time so something intresting will always happen and if it does you will hear about it here on "As The World Turns."
Entry one is always the highlight of a project. Drake's first mixtape was a make or break opportunity. Lebron's first season was a projection of the future to come. This procces ass we know it will never end. It's the power of first impressions, so keep that in mind. This is where we "As The World Turns" comes in. This blog is headed by myself "J.Wash" and my partner "D.Robinson". Covering the basics is far from what we will produce. We will go from the best in the music industry to the quiet game changer and everything in between. Along with that we will cover Fashion, Sports, Events, Art (mostly urban), city issues, and anything else that occurs. This blog will be a link to everything going on but will also give real non fabricated opinions. I hope this has you intrested but until then... Stay posted, Follow us, and enjoy the ride.