Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Where's Waldo!

Where's Waldo. The child hood book that made little girls tear there hair out and created little cheater and quitters. I truly believe Waldo is the reason I get lazy sometimes. See while using up all my energy to NOT find him, I would've been saving for now. Waldo was to many of my peers, the McDonald's of children's books and I spy was Burger King. Along with Waldo, I was always looking for Carmen Alexis, and trying to past Jump Start so my mom would buy me the next grade. Games when I was little where the best.

Never did I think where's Waldo could become a movie and while it probably will not be, this video trailer is amazing. It attracted all my senses and memories. Ahhh the good times! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvWh6PMi9Ek
    I love how Waldo is one of those things that everyone remembers from childhood. I'm not sure if Werner Herzog made it better or ruined it...
