A New Orleans second-line parade is a traditionally festive event that brings out hundreds of families and friends. Music plays loud for the dancing crowds. Lately this marvelous event has been the symbol of how far violence and ignorance has crept into our society. On Sunday September 26, a two year old boy was killed by a stray bullet. The boy was in the backseat of his mother’s car as bullets rang out from the cars ahead. As a result, bullets went flying into the car and the young boy was struck. I personally feel engulfed in rage. The reason I’m so mad because people simply don’t get it. Why do people bring guns to times of celebration and happiness? What posses someone to kill another for prides sake? When it comes down to it, that’s all it really is. One person kills then another follows then revenge comes into play then groups who hate others and on and on. This cycle never stops, and it is a cycle that has painted my city as the “Murder Capital of the World”, “Ya Herrdd ME”!
On a brighter note, yours truly has officially been classified as a Senior with the arrival of his class ring. A lot of stories in the works so stay tuned! Also the blog is doing so well. The blog has been viewed over 1200 times this month alone. We will be doing our best to keep it that way. Remember we are open to many suggestions and your own sent in post! Lastly a Big Shout Out to my cousin Verlin Dix! His Birthday was yesterday and we celebrated it on Sunday with gumbo,cake, and football! Great Combo! Hopefully he continues to live his life to the fullest. Peace!
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